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A smart way to supplement patient care

You're in good company if you're a doctor of chiropractic already incorporating nutrition into your practice. Allow us to introduce you to our offerings...

As a chiropractor, you know how other aspects of a patient’s lifestyle affect their musculoskeletal system and overall health and wellness.

Nutrition is no exception. In fact you’re in good company if you’re a doctor of chiropractic already incorporating this modality into your practice. Consider this study, which showed that natural products (i.e., dietary supplements other than vitamins and minerals) remain the most common complementary health approach in the United States, according to the NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Another group found that as many as 97 percent of DCs give nutritional and dietary recommendations, making it a matter of course in their treatment and maintenance plans.

What’s also telling is that more than half of these practitioners did not limit their nutritional counseling to patients with musculoskeletal disorders. The scope extended to chronic conditions like coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and allergies. At the same time, many expressed an interest in furthering their study of nutrition through continuing education.

So, where do we fit in? At RX2Live, we recognize that patients need solutions to fit their individual needs. Genetic blueprinting and supplements are one way to enhance your offerings and provide a holistic approach to care.

Our Professional Grade SUPPLEMENTS are designed to help patients achieve the optimal health results that our bodies need. And they are backed by quality and science. Our ActivLife Genetics Booster supplement system is medically and scientifically designed to deliver optimal micronutrients and macronutrients.

In addition to offering top-grade products, you may find our solution to be financially rewarding. At RX2Live, we have compiled a solution that can transition chiropractors from surviving to thriving. What’s more, the RX2Live solution can be achieved without adding expensive staff, or even patients. To learn more and to see why RX2Live is a Prescription for Life, contact us anytime: (480) 639-3048

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