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Why a corporate wellness program makes good financial sense for your business

What wellness programs have been successful for your business? What impact did those programs have on your employees? Share a few thoughts with us in the comments. We'd love to hear what your business is doing. Personally, we've found that corporate wellness programs can have huge cultural and financial benefits on a business. We included a few of those benefits in our blog today.

Gym memberships. Yoga classes. Weight loss competitions. Healthy snacks. Support groups for smokers wanting to quit. Corporate fun runs.

If you’re looking for ways to increase employee productivity and create a more health-minded corporate culture, you may want to consider the impact of those types of initiatives. Corporate wellness programs have been shown to improve employee health, reduce illness-related downtime and mitigate healthcare costs. A recent study by Brigham Young University found that businesses saved $3.27 for every dollar they spent on employee wellness.

Not surprisingly, corporate wellness programs have seen broader acceptance nationally as an effective — and proven — mechanism for saving money for both the employee and employer. Today, we’d love to spend a little more time examining the benefits of a corporate wellness program. Our focus at Rx2Live is helping you and your business become more healthy through fitness coaching, diet counseling, office challenges, telemedicine, DNA testing and more. Here are some things to consider when weighing a wellness program.

Corporate wellness programs have been proven nationally to . . .

Reduce sick leave and improve morale. Nurturing happiness among employees can pay dividends on multiple fronts. In general, an employee that enjoys exercise time with a co-worker will make time to do it, cutting down on costly sick days. A study published in Health Affairs suggests that employers save $2.73 for every dollar spent on wellness through decreased employee absenteeism. And that doesn’t calculate the financial gains that come through long-term employee retention. Happy employees tend to remain in their positions longer, reducing turnover and training costs. Over time, wellness programs have a direct correlation to increased production since healthier, more energetic employees also benefit from better concentration.

Cut down on claims and overall healthcare costs. Wellness programs have proven to produce healthier, more engaged employees. But they have also been shown to reduce an employer’s up-front premiums for healthcare coverage as risk factors such as weight, high blood pressure and tobacco use decrease. Employees who take a proactive approach to their health and fitness will tend to file fewer health insurance claims or disability claims, which represents a significant annual savings.

Minimize acute and chronic health conditions. Most wellness programs go beyond a focus on medical help to offer nutritional advice and exercise regimens designed to reduce stress. The result is fewer strokes, heart attacks and cases of diabetes. Long-term, a fitter staff also makes for fewer cases of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and other chronic conditions.

Across the board, whether measuring from a morale or financial metric, corporate wellness programs have proven to improve productivity and job satisfaction. For all parties, it quickly becomes a win-win. For more information on the RX2Live workplace wellness program, visit our website:

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